Today, please enjoy 32's final (and best?) section of her report on India:

“My precious memory”

 I visited two Indian houses. One of them was in the slum. I happened to go there after my friend saw her home doctor who was like Akahige-Sensei in India (He looks after poor people and his fee is Rs.20 as the minimum.) From his very small clinic, we walked through the slum for about 15 minutes. The road was dusty and bad. And there were so many small huts on both sides of the street. Their house was two-storied, which has a width of two meters, a length of four meters. Maybe seven people live in that house. It was just the day of the Muslim New Year’s festival. After the prayer of the Muslim priest, they served us Biryani(like fried rice) and a glass of Lassi. Biryani was a little hot, but very delicious. I hesitated to drink Lassi, but it was very nice and matched with hot food. Unfortunately, I couldn’t understand what they were talking, because almost all of their conversation being in Hindi. However, I felt  their welcoming heart so strongly.


And, on my last day, I visited another Indian house. They invited me for spending (maybe "killing"? - by the "Master") my time after hotel the checkout. Their house was a large apartment house in the suburbs. They are a family of three people and hired one maid. Their daughter is five years old and her nickname is Niku : Indians have their own nicknames beside their given names. She can speak Hindi and English. To my surprise, she studies Arabic from a private teacher. She is very cute and likes to watch cartoons on TV. I enjoyed watching “Doraemon” and other cartoons with her. I heard there lived rich people who worked at the movie company (Do you know Bollywood?) at their apartment. I spent a very comfortable time there. The only thing that I felt really sorry was I couldn’t talk with them in English so well, especially when Niku’s father asked me how I thought about India. So, it is one of the reasons why I want to write about India.

In a sense, two families are totally different- the rich and the poor, but both of them welcomed me very much. I was so happy that I enjoyed my visiting their houses. This must be my precious memory forever. 


Thank you so much for reading my “India Report” to the end. There are more things I can tell about India, but it should be enough. Once again, thank you so much.


32co(Nakashima Mitsuko)

Excellent JOB, 32co! You are a priceless contribution the our Cafe!