So, this will be some more info about India - today's subject being about the delicate matter of paying tips:


II        I guess that many people live by only getting tips in India. And, it is certain that many foreigners give  large tips to them.

Af       After coming out of the airport, I looked for my pre-paid taxi. The man nearby asked me the number of my taxi. He took and carried my suitcase to my taxi for only a few meters and said “Tip”, though I did not ask him to do so. How come? Since my taxi driver was a good man and said to him something in Hindi(maybe "go away"), I did not give him a tip.

A         A similar thing happened when I arrived at my hotel, the man who carried my suitcase also said to me, ”Tip”. 

    Both of them didn’t hesitate to ask for tips at all. They acted like they ought to get tips.  Actually, there is a system called “Bakschisch” in India. It is unfamiliar to foreign people ; a kind of charity – rich people give the money or foods to poor people by their virtue, goodness. But, I cannot help feeling somewhat unpleasant with the “tip getter”.

 Thank you very much, 32co!! I chose this picture (from  32co's collection, of course!) as usually in restaurants one is expected to pay gratuity (tip).

So, community, what do you think about this? One of the (many) reasons I like living in Japan is because this strange custom doesn't exist. People shouldn't be pressurized to pay anything on top of restaurant bills for instance, especially when service is below standard. 

In Germany, we have this really annoying "system" of paying something for public toilets: At the entrance of the facility, a lady wearing a sort of white tunic sits (just sits, basically doing nothing)  at a table, on top of it a small saucer with some coins, where you are expected to put some change on. If you don't, she will look at you, nastily! This is where the problem lies, I think:

It's being taken for granted, the real meaning behind the tip being forgotten. This tells you all you need to know!

And as usual, America showing us once again how EXTREME everything is in their country - better watch out!

I couldn't believe it!! 

To round things up, enjoy this picture of the typical German "Toilettenfrau" (directly translates to "toilet woman")

(The sign behind her says: "Visit us in the internet at www." .......sorry, but.......)

Remember - Tips are NOT MANDATORY, you are not a criminal for not paying, and obviously CAN'T get arrested (with the exception of the U.S., of course)

The "Master"