Okay, ladies, this will be a short one today - it's already ten to ten, I'm hungry & sleepy! 
Main topic for the day: How much, if at all, do the husbands help with the housework? Well, let's see...........

better half: He does a lot, even some of the meals! Good man! 

Catherine's better half: He didn't do anything until to the age of about 50. That's when their kids moved out and she realized that she in fact had done everything for her offspring, not for him! So, she promptly decided to ask him to help, which he happily accepted! Good man!
Isabella's better half: He didn't move anything, not even from left to right (or vice versa) until she fell sick - now he does everything in the house! Good man! What do we learn from this? If your husband is a lazy one, get sick! 
Katie's better half: Didn't do anything, ever! He always used to say that should he outlive her, he would be able to do everything by himself...........unfortunately, we will never know if that's true - he already "crossed the river"! Good man?

I am, of course, a good man, as I do a lot of our housework!

Another thing worse mentioning is Isabella's "quiz": How much, do we think, was a trip to Korea during Golden Week, flying economy class, staying at a 5-Star hotel, sightseeing and meals included, for 2 nights/3 days? The way she put it made all of us think it must be an unbelievably cheap "campaign tour" or something, so we threw in numbers like ¥19800, ¥50.000, ¥9800 etc, until Isabella lost patience asking WHY we all imagined it being so cheap. Finally, she gave us the answer: ¥ 285000! To Korea! Crazy! I would go to Europe for that kind of money!

Today's spring quotes:

(The goldfish is doing Spring Cleaning)

And our Apple Muffin:


 Gotta go - Good Night!

The "Master"