A very relaxed, settled-down Tuesday Cafe has passed with Briana, Chelsea, and Jamie - aka the "usual crowd".
We didn't come up with a main topic today, so we ended up chatting about various "little" things. In other words, I don't really remember (neither did the ladies when I asked them to help me refresh my memory at the "玄関先").....Let's see, Briana proudly showed around a picture of her (adult) son, wearing a "Kendo-outfit", looking handsome & cool, and about an incident where Briana and her friend ordered coffee at some hotel restaurant in Osaka, waited for hours, only to receive luke-warm coffee! As Briana is too kind (shy?) to complain, her friend did it for both of them.  Chelsea told the group about a friend who realized his dream about running his own coffee shop (just like me ha ha ha!), I bragged to my guests about what great coffee I make, as I happen to be a "trained" coffee-maker. No, of course NOT a machine! As you can see, topics were kind of related to coffee. And yes, I just remember now, we discussed the various airports in Kansai, and how useless some of them are.....and how it doesn't matter how much the public protests, the unfair, arrogant, selfish politicians ALWAYS get things their way. Look at Narita, look at Kobe, both airports were eventually built. 
As last Saturday was a "private lesson" for the "then" Jamie (NOT today's Jamie), our English phrase today is the one from that day:


(A "Mulla" is a wise, holy man in Islam)

And our cake - "standard" but yummy never-the-less - Pound cake (is that even English?):

(Yes, it is! This is what the dictionary has to say about it: 
pound cakenouna rich cake containing a pound, or equal weights, of each chief ingredient, typically flour, butter, and sugar.

Well, I hope you all enjoyed the day, and I also hope that all our readers learn & benefit a little (or a lot?) from reading this blog!


The "Master"