Another beautiful spring day has passed, so our study topic matched the season:

We worked with two versions today, so our four "contestants", Emma, Kiara, Shelby and Alicia were trying hard to figure out these spring & easter riddles in two teams!

Another little time consuming thing we talked about was an article Emma brought in she found in a free magazine called Kansai Scene. An article with the headline "A field guide to the foreigners of Kansai" lists about 12 different kinds of "Gaijin", and I was asked under which category I would fall. After some quick reading & wondering, I found "parts" of myself in about 3 of the different "species". I will leave it up to you to find me! Please tell me next time!

Another BIG THING: Alicia is back! And she had NO EXCUSE for her long absence! It was really nice to see you again!

Shelby had a magic show in her Jidoukan, Emma strolled along Kise river enjoying Sakura, Kiara had a busy morning, and Alicia was cheerful & powerful as usual!
Shelby: Eventually, we couldn't find the time for me to give you a crash course about my home country, I'm so sorry!
Enjoy your trip!

Have a nice weekend everybody!

The "Master"