Courtney, Lindsey, Mya and me enjoyed a great laugh when Courtney made a very harmless, small English mistake by calling the needle of a record player noodle!
From there, our imaginations went all over the place - how it would be if actual noodles would be used instead of needles when listening to records!
To make things easier to understand -  When wanting to talk about this:

 Courtney mistakenly mentioned this:

(This is a picture of her about to listen to a record)

Other, less amusing topics today were again "Hanami" - Lindsey and Courtney together visited Kise River, where they were watching a young boy about 6 years old apparently trying his luck at catching a carp. They felt very relaxed & peaceful observing this scene. Courtney also went to the Daigo Temple in Kyoto, enjoying yet another kind of Sakura,
roughly translated into English as "drooping", or "weeping" Sakura - do you know which kind this is in Japanese?

When talking so much about the love of the Japanese towards the cherry blossoms, Mya mentioned in April everything starts, so the people celebrate this new start (getting drunk under the Sakura!)

As Saturday is the day where usual "Nila" members meet (whatever that's supposed to mean), our "written topic" for the day was all about "fleas" (from Flea Market):


Well, I guess that's about it! Have a great weekend, enjoy the "rest" Sakura, and see you next week!

The "Master"