It was a peaceful, quiet Thursday with Mya (the one with the haircut), and Kiara (the one without the haircut).
I didn't know she was, but apparently Mya is a football fan: She told us about having watched the last minutes of a live broadcast between Real Madrid and Barcelona, final match of the ????? tournament, early this morning . Real Madrid won, and Mya enjoyed the closing ceremony.
Kiara told us about two matters concerning privacy: The former school principal of the school her daughter had attended when she was in the 6th grade sent her (and probably thousands of others) letters of recommendation for the political candidate he was supporting. Kiara's "little girl" is already 23 - meaning  that this "old man" collected & kept all the personal information of his former pupils for about 15 years!! 
The second one was something neither Mya, me nor Kiara herself had really understood: Something about a function making information public when hooking up your iPhone to your computer....or the other way round, or.........

My advice - Internet & security is like: Oil & water, mathematics & me, Detroit & good cars.......please feel free to complete this list!

The "material":

And original, "Sakura" cookies:

Happy Easter &  a great weekend!

The "Master"