On this lousy-weather-Thursday 6+me tried to "conquer" part two in the series "Pet Peeves" - see what annoys you!:

We had a really, fun & heated-up discussion about all these examples above (there are, of course, LOT'S MORE!), some of us could reflect their daily lives, maybe me the most (because I'm married, right?)!
Today it felt like Emma (and a little bit her husband) could be my wife - visitors today understand what I mean!

Before the "peeves", our main topics today were............................bamboo shoots, and some Japanese painter, unfortunately I forgot his name, who is currently holding an exhibition somewhere in Kyoto. Ladies got excited! Bamboo shoots (the delicious type, the ones which are eaten in this season), and famous paintings! Crystal even dug out her own, fresh shoots from some backyard (did she say a relative's?). I felt relieved when I noticed the lost look on Angela's face - good, I'm not the only one who can't share the excitement about "baby trees"!

Besides that I complained a little about the junior high school English teacher who taught his students "let's be a good friends", and the Wakamatsu-Juku bus with the suggestion printed on it's side "Let's study English with us"..........sigh! 
I hope they DON'T try teaching English at that Juku!!

But - our pie was delicious, sprinkled with cheese:


Sabrina has already seen the exhibition in Kyoto, and she told Ashley (who is planning to visit it soon), to be ready to wait in line to enter for about 70 to 130 minutes! Always & everywhere crowded in Japan! 

Madison, good luck at "ignoring" your husband when he's trying to interrupt your precious movie-time!

I appreciate you all showing up on this rainy day!

The "Master"

P.S. Could it be that my major pet peeve is Japanese English?