A beautiful spring day draws to an end - on this last day for me being 42, lot's of eager, internationally minded folks turned up to make it a fun Cafe hour:

 Monica - She went to Miki to join in a kind of "Karaoke Party" with about 20 other participants, enjoying really old Japanese songs, but also newer music from popular animation shows. First, we ALL thought she went there with her boyfriend!

 Kelly -
She's is getting over her pollen allergy little by little. When checking the timetable for the bus to take her to the doctor, the symptoms mysteriously cured themselves, so she didn't need to see the doctor after all!

David - He recommended a beautiful Sakura spot in Okayama for the next season. I totally forgot the name of the place, but apparently a "small mountain" (or maybe "big hill?") housing castle ruins is totally covered with the pink beauty. Lot's of historical names (the "Mori" family) came up, and I was completely lost!!

Mariah - She enjoyed a nice re-union - with her glasses! She had misplaced them at some shop, and after calling to check, she was in luck at the second establishment, and now got them back. Therefore, Lindsey looked very beautiful to her!

And Lindsey? Well, she is anxiously "looking forward" to the Golden Week holidays when she will have to be host to eight people (including her, I think), as her children with husbands, wives, boyfriends AND their kids will visit and stay for two nights! Good luck there!

The "Paper":


(Never, never try to squeeze through two trams!)

And the very yummy "food", Cornflake cookies:

That's it!

Meet  the old man next week!

The "Master"