Hi crowd - thanks for coming on this happy (?) day for me, my "anniversary"!
Elisabeth spoiled me with some rare foreign beer (for tonight, obviously!), Emma brought some eatable souvenir from Taiwan (she received from someone, she didn't go there), Angela treated us with a (she said 'easy') riddle, which I couldn't solve, due to not knowing the "other" meaning of fish: 
 Why are fish smart?

Please spend some sleepless nights on this one - if you require help, don't hesitate to ask! 

 Gracie & Jade pampered mw with their presence. Today, especially Jade got me "close to tears" for showing up totally unexpected on my birthday. We go back about 10 years, but she had never visited the Cafe before. She also brought me a present, a Hanshin Tigers fan with an image of Mr. Arai! Thank you! Reason enough for me to take a picture of today's happy bunch:

As usual when we welcome a new member, she/he is perforated with various questions, especially when that member represents a younger generation. Today was no different. And as Jade happens to be a to the core Hanshin Tigers fan, our conversation was a lot about baseball.

Also for the first time in over three years, our sweet was "French", a "Crepé":

And as I decided to "re-use" the study material from last Saturday (as only one lady showed up), the date on the top is not correct, please ignore that fact:

Well, I hope you all had a great time (I had!), there were lot's of laughters, cake was yummy, and I'm a year older(OMG!)

The "Master"