Today's topics: YAMADA STORE (???) - apparently a Supermarket every housewife knows, separation of garbage, also bulk garbage where I learned that in Harima / Kakogawa it's still okay to bring it to the general collection point, various parcel services and the possible delays to the earthquake affected areas, the nuclear threat, time spent at universities, and April fool:

So, how did we come up with today's topics? 
Monica told us she was exhausted from buying & sending water to her daughter in Tokyo, and Katie sent Ikanago to Sendai - therefore the talk about parcel services. 
Olivia's daughter graduated from university this spring (after 5 years (?) ) - therefore the talk about time spent there. 
The other topics "just came up"!

We enjoyed Choco Chip cake on this pleasantly warm spring Saturday:

 Thanks for coming everybody, enjoy Sunday!

The "Master"