We had close to full house today: Emily, Shannon, Cassandra, Courtney, Breanna, Kiara & me chatted about various things happening in the world these days, especially the tough times Japan is facing recently - Typhoon-rains and earthquakes coming at the time! Every now and then Mother Earth is complaining about the way the human race is treating her - this year she didn't even grant us a real summer......

 Nevertheless, THIS was really tasty, not sure if sweet or bitter, but a real "adult taste":

And of course we also had our usual "study phrase", from which we learned that 忘年会is NOT only a Japanese thing, and that カラオケis also very popular in other parts of the world:

According to Emily's eletronic dictionary (was it Emily's?) an "eye-opener" is also used when referring to the first drink in the morning to wake you up. BUT, this drink has to be an alcoholic drink if it wishes to be called an "eye-opener"! 
Now, honestly, who of you starts the day with a can of キリン一番しぼり?Hands up!
I personally stick to my cup of coffee and a couple of glasses of cold milk.

So, Ladies & (a few) Gentlemen, I wish you a nice 盆休み, try to relax and don't let your grandchildren suck you out too much!
Looking forward to seeing you all nicely tanned next Tuesday!

The "Master"

One last reminder -