....and it's only ONE  DAY before my wife's birhtday, and I have NO IDEA what to get her!!

 Anyway, "Bon" is over, life is slowly going back to normal, and the summer has finally decided to stay!
My family and I enjoyed a short, but nice one-night-two-days stay on an island "overseas", known around here as Awaji!
That place is so close to Kobe, yet it feels like a tropical island far, far away....how come? The sea seems to be a lot cleaner than Okura-Kaigan or of course, Suma Beach! And they have some waves, good for children to have fun!

So, today we enjoyed a nice group of 6 ladies: Mikayla (from deep down America), Lindsey & Ashley joined from England,
Kelly & Kiara flew in from Ireland (they knew each other from before!), and once again, we were able to welcome a young 
lady called Erica (from Scandinavia) today - Nice to have you with our "wild group"! Enjoy!

Suitable for the hot summer we had some "cool desert", which looked like this and answers to the name "Orange Mousse":

Of course, we also had our usual phrase to clear - although today was quite easy:

Thanks for coming & enjoy the last summer days......there are already some dragonflies up and about!

The "Master"