Three young ladies showed up in today's heat - Brittney, Angela, and Erica. I was happy to hear that you had missed the Cafe during my absence! Really! 
Today again, I explained about my experiences in Germany, differences (good & bad) between these two countries which share roughly about the same landmass, but are so totally diverse.
Foodstuff, groceries & BEER is so much cheaper than in Japan - although it wasn't really hot while I was over there, I drank beer non-stop! I mean, wouldn't anyone do so, if something like this 

is LESS than a 100 Yen per bottle in the supermarket? And it sure is delicious!!

I had a great two weeks, and I  (honestly, and for the first time) didn't want to come back to Japan.....I guess deep inside, I'm very German, despite the fact I spent only nine years there. About 32 in Japan!!

For the pictures of today's phrase & refreshment, please check out last Tuesday's post!

Danke schoen for coming, and see you again soon!

The "Master"