And yet another "new face" - please welcome Cahterine from Greece (Takasago, actually!). Our "old, 先輩" members, Olivia (from some Latin place), Madison & Katie from England, and Kiara from neigbouring Ireland treated her warmly and
welcoming! Thank you all!
As usual, whenever we welcome a new member, questions arise why the person is interested in English, or studying the language, and today again the very logical reason Cahterine gave us was to make her foreign travel more enjoyable and relaxing! Yes, it is very helpful indeed to know how to speak and understand this "international means of communication".
Our tasty chocolate cake today came in various sizes, it was mentioned, but no fights were started because of this (we are all adults, right?)

And we studied following phrase:

Thanks for coming & enjoy the hot days!

The "Master"