Last day of August and still unbelievably HOT!
We totally forgot going through the names, but of course, everybody picked one, and they were the following:
Brittney, Alexandria and Sabrina! Thanks for showing up today! 
The main topic of the day: Vending machines. Why? Because I heard a report on the radio this morning about one of those convenient robots selling  BANANAS  in Tokyo! I found a picture on the web, although I'm not sure if this is the one the DJs were talking about:

The design of the machine is more the like of the vending machines you can find in "foreign countries" (wherever that might be......), with a big window in the front showing the actual products, not "fake samples". 
From the westerner's view, Japan is a highly unique country, one can find vending machines for batteries, instant cameras, all kinds of soft & alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, contraceptives made of rubber (for the fun times at night!), "dirty magazines", eggs, books, hot food (mainly at the rest areas on the highways), ice cream etc. Did you know that Japan has the only vending machines selling hot drinks (あつ〜い)  and cold drinks (つめた〜い) from one and the same machine at the same time? 

Today, we tried our luck at some riddles again - see if you can solve them, as this blog DOESN'T give the answers!:

And our "riddle specialist" (Brittney) had another one on hand, something like this: What has four legs & a back, but doesn't have a body? 
Despite Brittney being "Ms. Riddle" , answers to today's brain-twisters were entirely given by Sabrina! Good Job! 

We enjoyed a refreshing cup of coffee jelly today:


All right, ladies, let's round it up! 

Thanks again for joining today,

The "Master"