Hello, hello!
Katie visited the Cafe the first time in this month, and she was really pleased with the Christmas decoration entertaining the eye (and soul, maybe?) since December! She even tried to "improve" the atmosphere by switching on & off various lights to create a cozyier feel, but it proved not to be a easy task! 
We talked about people snorring so nosily that partners couldn't sleep, others again being kicked so strongly they would fall off the bed (NOW that's where you should have apologized!!), among other things. 
Kaite was joined by Isabella & Ashley..........and ME!!
We had a really tasty cheese cake, which was eaten up in no time (except for one lady's, who had a secretly upset  stomach!), appearing like this:

And our phrase today was one which is almost used the same in Japan (You know, sometimes there's some unbelievable ”和製英語” out there, got to be careful!!):


Hope you had a good time - by the way, what do you all think about a guy eating a (probably very smelly McDo....) Hamburger in the movie theatre in the seat next to yours?

I think it's rude!

See you

The "Master"