Here I am again trying to find a way to get around "today, blah blah blah"....this proves very difficult, as I have to write about today!
Anyway, I enjoyed the company of Ashley, Crystal & Lindsey on this rainy Saturday. We had a cozy Christmas feel to the Cafe, with German-style "Lebkuchen" (in English: Ginger Bread Cake) - soft & fruity:

And tried our English skills at this paper:

Lindsey talked about & answered our various questions concerning the infamous city of Kasai. What is it about this place? Somehow it gets into the spotlight a lot at our Cafe! Did you know that by Japanese law a place must have 40.000 or more citizens to be acknowledged a "city"? There recently was a murder incident in Kasai.....I wonder if they are all right with their headcount?

Ashley had an interesting story about the head priest of Kiyomizu-Dera: He chose the word "暑い" to be the expression describing the past year the best. A record summer in Japan, the heart-warming Chile mine accident and so on.
But Ashley herself actually disagreed with his choice - she believes "弱い" is a lot more suitable, reflecting on the hopeless Japanese government. 

Chrystal told us about a security guard who caught a raccoon dog in the basement of a 20-story building in the heart of Tokyo. Officials believe it had come from the green area surrounding the imperial palace. The increase of incidences where "wild animals" enter the human habitat is worrisome, as we're taking away more and more of their precious living environment.
By the way: たぬき= Racoon Dog  あらいぐま= Racoon. 

We also discussed a little about chicken or turkey for Christmas dinner - I was surprised to learn that both Ashley & Crystal used to be quite serious about Christmas dinner, actually roasting whole chicken!

I must admit - this looks  delicious!

Have a great Sunday!

The "Master"