What a nice, warm day it is! At the same time, of course, it's a bit scary - what is wrong with the climate? Have we finally managed to destroy the world?

Nevertheless, a huge group of five members joined in today: Kelsey, Monica, Kiara, Emma and Heather and, I think, we had a good time, enjoying with Almond Sabre (?) cookies:

  (They look like Japanese "あげ"on the picture, don't you agree?)

Our material for the day was something new I found for today by searching the net for "very short, strange, and true stories" - check it out:

Besides all this we talked a little about the Japanese mafia, where Kelsey had a funny story which reminded me very much of a よしもと新喜劇コント: A friend of her friend's son hid in the top part of the closet of her house from his Yakuza-father for two weeks! He was eventually found when the mother came in to clean the room! 

The news of the demonstrators' "attack" on Charles and (ugly) Camilla in London caught Monica's attention, and Heather is planning to take her dog (mop-size) by Shinkansen to Tokyo. The dog (Musashi is his name!) will travel in a "dog-case",  but will still have to pay 270 ¥ for the trip. Apparently for dogs, the fare is the same - no matter whether traveling all the way to Tokyo or just from Shin-Kobe to Nishi-Akashi. JR - please explain what the 270 ¥ is used for!!
Here is nicer way to travel for dogs by high-speed train:

Emma talked a little bit about her San Francisco trip and showed pictures, and Kiara had a funny one about a guy in Taiwan who mistakenly dropped his bag into a plastic shredder - unfortunately, it contained 200 bills of money (worth about 55万円)!! Poor guy - but an official forensic expert put all the bills back together in only one week, and the man had them replaced! Irony: Free of charge! Check it out!

Well Ladies (&Gentlemen) - this is it for this evening, always thank you for coming!

The "Master"