The "we-are-busy-the-end-of-the-year-is-approaching" time seems to have kicked in. We had "just" three ladies today:
Lindsey, Mariah, and Madison. But WOW, Lindsey's story about her "old man" (father) was so amusing! In today's Cafe, the rest of us were on the listening end. By request I won't go into details, but what do YOU think of a father who: 
1) Goes out drinking & gets a little drunk (just comfortably)
2) On the way home asks 3 or 4 TOTAL STRANGERS to come home with him for "a drink"
3) Wakes up his children (indirectly) because they have to clear the biggest room in the house for the group
4) Asks his wife to "serve" his guests with drinks & easy foods, snacks, while
5) he himself FALLS ASLEEP!
6) Has his wife apologizing to the group for her husband's rude behaviour and
7) lets her pay for their return taxis as there are no more trains?

There were more episodes, I really think we could make a movie out of the man's life! You know, the bottom line is, he must have been a very kind man, a very social type!

And our sweet?

"Honey Apple Jelly"

And our "extremely" sexy phrase was this one ~

I'm aware that the situation described in the dialogue doesn't really concerns anybody here, but don't worry -
me neither!

Hope you had a good time!

The "Master"