Another quiet Thursday afternoon passed by peacefully, together with Christina and Brooklyn. Christina, thanx for calling on Brooklyn to join the Cafe today.
We talked about the media hype on various subjects including (of course!) Tiger Woods, and MJ. When Broolyn asked me what I thought about the TW incident, I replied that I think he's just "a man", who happened to be famous. We also talked about the MJ trials some years ago (child molesting charges against him), which apparently were all made up to make some easy money. But, you know, making things up is a very common practice in the US, isn't it? Rumsfield's totally fake pictures of the weapons of mass destruction in Irak, the "balloon boy" a while ago....I think the Americans are living in a movie, not in any kind of reality!

Today's sweet was German-style "Lebkuchen", which roughly translates to "Ginger Bread":


And our phrase was this one:

Well, I don't like Japanese breakfast (for breakfast). The food is certainly good, but PLEEEASE not first thing in the 

See you soon,

The "Master"