My children's school ended yesterday for the year 2010 - so I can take a break from getting up at 6 every morning to take them all the way to Rokko Island! 

Unfortunately, one of our "Ms.Saturdays" couldn't make it today, but we still were a happy crowd of three + me - Crystal, Laura and Briana.
Briana, being a HUGE fan of the Korean K-Pop group "B2st" (to be pronounced "beast") told us that she went all the way to Korea to see them in concert! 

Here is a recent picture of the them (for people who are not familiar with the group):

Oooooops - wrong file ( also, there should only be six of them!):

Crystal, who started her internet-shop "Nila" recently pointed out to the group how convenient she feels with the modern means of communication the likes of Facebook or Twitter. But be careful - the more one uses these "free" communication tools, the higher the risk gets of catching a virus on your windows computer.......
Laura was trying to persuade Briana to leave some comments on this blog, telling her how to do it, and how much fun it is! 
(But actually, Briana & Crsytal have plotted a conspiracy against me using Twitter!)

Today's "funny passage" was this one:

And we enjoyed this funny "new-half" - still don't know if it's more bread, or more cake:

Thanks for showing up & enjoy the 4.Advent - 4 Sundays before Christmas are celebrated by lighting a candle usually on a nice wreath - please read on here!

The "Master"