Hello, people!
I was just about to start typing when I noticed the rear side of my supercomputer being all wet! Help! There's a leak in this "classic" building! Rain is coming into my office!  

 Today's Cafe was the closest Tuesday to Christmas, so I arranged for "Christmas-athmosphere" cake -


Looks really pretty, doesn't it? And it tasted great, too! Of course!

The paper of the day asked the group some very simple questions, nothing special, just daily life things - check it out:

Ashley told us about how peacefully her father in law had passed away (NOT a recent incident) - no suffering, no pain, his last words being "what's this noise?".
Shelby also spoke about a funeral service last Sunday of a mutual friend of her and Tiffany. Tiffany, on the other hand, told us she went to see a movie (which she does a lot!) called something the likes of "Tron Legacy" (??). She said it was a little strange, kind of switching between "2D" and "3D". Also reading the subtitles (which are, of course, hovering in space!) was tiring. By the way, she DOESN'T recommend the movie!
Brooklyn was the lucky one: When taking a walk around Futami's man-made island she stopped by a fish monger for some shopping. There she could play some kind of price-draw, the one where you have to turn this octagon-shaped, wooden thing with a small hole on one side, hoping a lucky-coloured ball would flip out. Well, for her, it did! She got a purple ball, received three octopuses on sticks, and is entitled to pick up a ¥3500 Christmas cake. Too bad for her though that her husband is NOT interested in cakes at all and decided to let their daughter have it all!
And Brittney - AMAZING!   She went to the dentist after a 25-year break! Nothing was wrong, really, she just felt some stimulation on parts of her gums when drinking her ice-cold beer.....oops, sorry, I think she said: "Cold water"!

We were 5 people (for those who lost count reading the various stories!)

Thanks - hope to see as many of you as possible during the remaining days - ONLY TWO LEFT! 

The "Master"