Yes, I wore the red hat today - with me were Kelsey from Scandinavia, Emma from Germany and
Alicia from England. And they were three lucky ladies, I can tell you that! Why? Well, they had the
chance to taste real, home-made German Christmas " Stollen" (シュトーレン). 
Take an envious look!

In the northern part of Germany where I come from we don't say "Stollen", but "Kloeben" (クレーベン)

Kesley told us about her Christmas dinner with her daughter and husband. Their choice of food was surprisingly not very
"christmassy" - they enjoyed food from the Amami region (near Okinawa)......pigs feet etc!! Sounds good! 
Later, she mentioned a big problem America had to deal with a while ago: Bed bugs! Apparently, it was quite a serious matter over even had close temporarily!
Alicia, our only "foreigner" of the Saturday team, told us about heavy snowfall in the remote area of Kasai, and Emma "skyped" with her daughter & family living down under, celebrating a summer Christmas. The whole family was already in their pajamas (having finished dinner AND bath!) at about 6pm Australia local time! What a healthy family!

Our study material today was of course related to Christmas, so was the beautiful, colour picture of.......who? I dunno!


 (Porn at Christmas - Gee!) 

Well, I guess that rounds it up for today - have a pleasant second day of Christmas (that'll be tomorrow), thanks for 
coming, thanks for a nice year to look back to, and see you on the 8th of January 2011! (If you're not coming next Tuesday, last Cafe for 2010, that is)

The "Master"