Welcome to the last Blog-Posting for the year 2009!  
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you loyal, eager, and cheerful group of "young girls & boys"  for your 
patronage throughout the year & of course beyond! Without you, it wouldn't be possible to create
this nice, cozy, and warm atmosphere. Thank you very much!

To round up the year, Brittney, Kelly and  Mike showed up, and you won't believe what our main subject for the day was! 
CARS! Yes, we mainly talked about the four-wheeled, highly convenient "unmissable friend" of ours! Why? Well, because Kelly told us about her unfortunate two accidents she had during the passing year. 
Everybody explained about events or incidents (accidents?) which had the most impact on them, which left the biggest impression on them, things they may never forget........how about you out there? 
For my part, my year 2009 was a "bad" year, as it's my 厄年, although I'm not sure if it's ほん厄 or 後厄. Can you help me?I was born in 昭和43年4月.....

Our Cake was still a bit "Christmas-Style", as in the west today counts as the second day of Christmas:

And our phrase, very convenient in case you should get REALLY ANGRY!!:

So, we are nearing to the end of this posting - I wish you all pleasant holidays, and a quiet time with your families!

The "Master" (I'll be here until the 28th, late at night!)