What an amazing way to finish of the "Cafe-year 2010" - 7 girls joined in today to see the tiger off! Wow! Thanks so much for coming!  
Being the last day for this very short, fast year, we studied using "New Year Resolutions", you know, those funny promises to yourself which are impossible to keep! 

As it is a well-known fact that (as mentioned above) resolutions are impossible to keep, here is an alternative list of examples which should be quite easy to do so:

10. Read less. 

9. I want to gain weight. Put on at least 30 pounds. 

8. Stop exercising. Waste of time. 

7. Watch more TV. I've been missing some good stuff. 

6. Procrastinate more. 

5. Drink. Drink some more. 

4. Start being superstitious. 

3. Spend more time at work. 

2. Stop bringing lunch from home: I should eat out more. 

and last but not least...

1. Take up a new habit: maybe smoking!

The last tasty treat on day 362 was called "Madeleine", and she looked like this (I call "her" "she" as it really sounds like a girl's name to me - Madeleine):

 Madeleine was joined by Mr. Tokyo Banana, a souvenir from one of our girls today. I didn't take a picture of "him", as I suppose you all know how "he" looks like!

Well Ladies (and sometimes a few Gents), thanks a lot for a fun year with all of you, enjoy some great days off over the New Year, and I hope to see ALL OF YOU healthy and in good spirits soon!

The "Master"

P.S. Now, why didn't anybody show up for the 17:00 cleaning session?