Thanks for coming yesterday, and sorry that I had to rush off - Christmas vespers (in German) at the Kobe Union Church located in Rokko started a 16:00. No, I am not a dedicated christian, but for this special day I like to go to church to catch some christmas atmosphere, unfortunately very limited in Japan. And I took the Hanshin Kosoku all the way to Maya. Up to Yanagihara I was perfectly in time, but then, the highway showed its' "true face" - yes, a traffic jam with no end in sight!
Luckily, I was on the bike, so I could cheat my way through the traffic. Still, I was about 5 minutes late....Stupid Kobe route 3!!

We had a special Christmas cake here at the Cafe:

And of course, a special Christmas "study paper":

All right - tomorrow will be the last Cafe for 2009!

Thanks for coming on Christmas, Isabelle (the one with the GREAT NEWS!), Heather & Jamie. Thanks also for the
"brew" and its' "best friend"! 
Hope you will enjoy the gift from Santilo Claus throughout the new year!

The "Master"