We had lot's of laughs today - Shelby told us about "Mr.Ogura's Wig" accident.....ha ha ha....this ONE!
The unsure reaction of the other people in the studio is actually more funny than the falling hair itself! Crystal showed up the second time today in spite of being really busy preparing for her son's music trip to Hawaii, and "stuff like that". Gracie rhapsodized about her trip to Kinosaki with the "KaniKani Express", enjoying lot's of crabs raw, boiled, grilled (?) etc, not forgetting to dive into the hot spring afterwards. This is the Express:


And if you want to go there to, you can book here (Now JR, please pay me some commission!)

Emma told us about Mick Jagger's superb performance at the Grammys this year, for people who have missed it (like me!), make sure to check out this video, as I suppose it will be removed for copyright reasons soon! - Please enjoy my 
67 year old GOD! Isn't this man something else? 

Other things we talked about was the lousy food in England (and the excellent non-British food one can enjoy there!), Monday's snow, and of course, our material for today:

And last but not least, our "Snow-Flake Cookies:

Come and see me & my cookies next Saturday!

The "Master"