Unbelievable - first, the blog counter hit the 10.000 mark while I was sleeping! Now, who was the lucky visitor? Second, compared to January's "sad" closing (just one lady here), the start for this month looks promising: 7 (in words: Seven) eager English speakers showed up today! What's more, a gentleman by the name of Charlie visited after a very long break, we're happy to have you back! This also means that - wow - today we could count two "boys" here on the same day!
Gary, Bill, Abigail, Crystal, Brittney, Maria and Cassandra shared this home-made Castella cake:

We studied the phrase from last Saturday as "Kasai-Katie" was the only person on that day, and she permitted me to use it again (it's called re-use!) -

Gary told us about his bicycle life and his former home stay guest from France, Crystal brought in a funny newspaper article about an "alibi phone" in Brazil, Abigail enjoyed skiing & the football match between Australia and Japan, Maria almost talked to a person she thought she knew (pooh!), Cassandra bought a house (sounds so easy, doesn't it?), and Brittney had a sad story about people selling their young daughters (just 10 years old!) for marriage to Al Kaida in Afghanistan.....It's a sad and unfair world, isn't it?
Bill, our newest member, still needs some time to get used to English and the Cafe, then I'm sure he'll bring in some news or stories, too!

Well,. that's it!

Thanks for coming, and see ALL OF YOU, ALL SEVEN, next week!

The "Master"