Heeeeeeavy!! Yes, this was some SERIOUS Cafe today! Kelsey and me gave Isabelle a "スパルターlesson" on the subjects of the olympics being for a big part  just business and politics, from there we drifted to Mr .Toyoda of Toyota being "barbequed" in America, and we all agreed the whole thing is just another "show", typical American style, and Kelsey (who happens to have some experience in that country) also added that it is part of election propaganda, which happens to be this year. I personally believe the whole thing is being played up to destroy Toyota - a strategy by the U.S government, which just so happens to own most of the "left-over" Detroit Big-3 (junk manufacturers).

And NEVER eat free snacks like peanuts or カキピーin bars or pubs, because they are totally covered all over with stains of........I can't say it really. Anyway, they are extremely DIRTY!

Our very CLEAN cake:

And our phrase, which appeared here for the first time last September (Help I'm running out of material!!):

But it has a different picture!!

And finally, an alert for a missing person:


Hope to see you soon!

The "Master"