Although February is only 3 days shorter than other months, this one really felt like it flew by! So fast! Already March from next Monday! And what have I achieved to "change my life" so far? Nothing, really! OMG!

Today was another quite serious Cafe with Crystal, Alicia, and Isabella! Crystal, it was nice to see you in good shape after a short while. What a pity that you're moving to Tarumi next month......we'll miss you!

And of course, Olympics on the agenda again - especially now, that it's almost over and Japan's hope, Mao, finished her performance. I couldn't watch it, but I heard she was a little nervous? Alicia's conclusion was, that Mao and Kim are on the same skill-level, but that Kim is much stronger mentally. In general, I have the feeling that Japanese athletes are a little bit "本番に弱い", we called it "stage fright" today. Usually, it's an expression used for people who are about to go on stage, like musicians or actors. In German we say "Lampenfieber", we means "Light-fever", in other words, one feels uncomfortable because of the (spot) lights.

Today's study phrase was not really a phrase, but something really new (as I'm running out of material):

We will probably see more of these in the future - I hope you enjoyed and got the joke, as western humour and Japanese humour is quite different! I'm really lucky, I can laugh at both!

Our delicious cake was "part two" of last Thursday:

Hope to see more of you in March - let's look forward to the warm(er) weather!

The "Master"