Hi, community!
All participants today came from "the Island" up left in Europe:
Ashley, Alicia and Lindsey from England were joined by Kelly from Ireland.
Today, we chatted about the usage of personal computers, and I tried to tell the still
hesitant ones that computers are actually fairly easy to use. Basically, they tell you 
everything you need to do, confirm all your actions (are you sure you want to delete this? Or:
This action cannot be reversed, etc.), and they only know what people taught them to know, no more
and no less!
Our topics shifted from here to there: Little bit about skiing (after all, IT'S WINTER, RIGHT?), bad behaviour
by older ladies in the cinemas, and strange actions by older women and men alike. Women using the men's toilets 
without any hesitation, men peeing anywhere in public, younger and older females putting on make-up on the trains, kids sitting down just anywhere they feel like....the list is probably endless!

We enjoyed this "strawberry yogurt cake", which on this picture rather looks like a "weetabix", which by the way I haven't eaten for some years now, but I quite like. Weetabix can be purchased in Japan at some special import food shops.

And we studied a slang today, after a long time:

And the "Hit of the day":

I went to Green Electronics today to purchase thermo-paper for my fax machine, and I got really lucky!
Depending on the manufacturer, one roll costs between 400 Yen to 950 Yen.  I found one, the VERY LAST ONE,
with a price tag saying 100 Yen! When the lady at the check-out scanned the barcode, it read 945 Yen. When I told
her it was suppose to be 100 Yen only, she was laughing, thinking I was making a 関西人-style joke! But it turned out
I was right and the barcode was wrong, so I got the cheapest fax paper EVER (and most probably NEVER again!).

What do you think? Anybody out there got a story similar to mine?

See you!

The "Master"