Happy "Setsubun" - it doesn't  happen all too often that special days fall exactly on Tuesdays, Thursdays or Saturdays, but today it did, so we studied about this Japanese custom all in English:

So, now you all know everything you needed to know about this unique custom here in Japan! 

We didn't eat beans, but instead indulged in this nice looking plate full of sweet things. The red & white  box is a prezzie brought in by Lindsey - you can all check what's inside next Saturday and the following Tuesday:


Ok, so Lindsey was here, and......oh yes, Kelsey. Kelsey watched recordings of the recent football matches of the Asia Cup, being told several times by members of her family that the tournament was OVER!! I personally don't watch recordings of team sport events, as I can't get excited knowing the outcome being certain (It's also REALLY hard NOT to watch the sports news and avoid talking to people about it!).
Kelsey also taught us a theory by Ehogan Casey which I really liked, so I tried to find some references on the net, but I'm not sure if I have found the right guy - is this him?. I really can't be certain as this one is a forensic specialist.....

Lindsey is worried about her sister in law as she lives in Miyazaki, a place covered with greyish ash all over. Did you know that one should not try to wash away the volcanic ash with water as it will become solid like rock when getting wet? Well, I certainly didn't!  
In connection to this, we discussed natural disasters in general.....I'm sure Mother Earth has lost patience: Crazy Snowstorms in America, Cyclone Yasi hitting Australia on top of their terrible flooding, Miyazaki's Shinmoedake coughing, and all the other things I have forgotten!

Take care!

The "Master"