Our small, Thursday group today was formed of Sabrina, Kelly, and Laura!
We started talking about movies as Laura had just seen Avatar - she said she was sitting in a row very far in the back, but thanks to the 3D effect, it felt like the third row! Wow! I got curious, but I won't go and watch the movie for ethic reasons. Later, Kelly told us about the fascinating broadcast of the Grammys - Lady GaGa, and how Pink got all wet, circling and singing at the same time. Boy, I can't even sing in a normal, upright, still position! In short, I CAN'T SING!
We also had some "serious, deep talk" again, but I forgot about what - can somebody refresh my memory? Oh yes, I remember now: Traffic accidents, and related insurance fraud! Wow! 

Our tasty cake looked like this 

And tasted like this

And our phrase? Well, seems an easy one, but sometimes students do stumble upon correct usage:


see you all next time!

The "Master"