Sorry to disappoint all of you who are always looking forward to the latest blog posting (which of course is ALL OF YOU!),
but last Saturday I had to rush off. No, NOT to go drinking, my insurance salesman was coming to our house!
So, of course, today I don't have the slightest idea what we talked on this day - remember, I'm not getting any younger!
Naturally, Monica & Cassandra (both form Greece) had a splendid time, and so did I!
(I'm listening to "Ghostbusters" on iTunes radio right now - なつかしい〜〜〜!)

We studied this phrase:

This is a beautiful picture taken near Neuschwanstein Castle (by somebody). 

And we enjoyed this blueberry cake:


Last Sunday (yesterday) I went to play some Rock'n Roll, and my son had also tried to play the drums for the first time in his life:

I felt ten years younger (but after 4 hours, my left shoulder really hurt, and I could also feel my back!)

See you soon!

The "Master"