The place was empty today - only 5 faces! Just kidding, 5 is a nice number, and this number consisted of Bill (!), Monica, Ashley, Emma and Gracie - We had a nice time with a friendly group in a cozy place!

The following topics were talked about & discussed: A man in Belgium who ran a FULL MARATHON (42, 195 Km) for every day of the year (ending up in the Guinness Book of Records), Japanese Kabuki actor Kenzaburo Nakamura having problems with his ears (ringing in them), and about the mess going on in the Sumo world recently.

We enjoyed some more "funny life quotes", and some tasty chocolate cookies - check out both pictures:

And "the food":

Well, it's 20:02, I'll be heading home soon and guess what - It's raining! It's REALLY raining. It hasn't rained (or snowed or anything else wet coming down!) for about one and a half month, right? This is good news (and I'm going home on my bike........sniff sniff).

The "Master"