We were quite a "big bunch" of people today, even Thursday-Faces showed up! I suppose that's because the Cafe will be
closed due to a national holiday this week Thursday. Please don't forget:

 Let's check the names & origins - Cassandra, Monica and Christina from Greece, Emily from some Latin place (I think she said Spain), Brittney from England, and Kelsey from Scandinavia. 

Christina - Nice to see you again (first time this year) - Good that you were fine! 
Kelsey - Stop reading & go to sleep (you die-hard MJ fan!).

And to all of you: Be careful when checking your make-up in the car!!

We studied two proverbs today:

And we indulged in this sort of "Japanese Sweet", sweet potato pie:


We talked a little about MJ, or rather the trial of his personal doctor, who REALLY is the bad guy responsible for MJ's death (his father? His family?), that at the end everything is about big money for somebody. I also brought up the incident about the dead guy inside the landing gear compartment. How cold it must have been up there!

So, today was REALLY warm, like spring. Usually I would be happy as I'm going everywhere on two wheels, but this time it's bad news, as I want to go skiing one more time this season.....pleeeease winter, come back!

Thanks for showing up!

The "Master"