Abigail & Alicia came the first time today in 2010 - welcome "back"! Alexandria joined them, and today again, we talked mostly about how the past holidays were spent. Alicia visited Okinawa - it was her second time, she went alone, and she really enjoyed going about at her own pace, "feeling" Okinawa's history & it's rich nature.
Abigail spent precious time with her family, taking them for a trip to Okayama, and doing all the Japanese new year "things". Alexandria was more on the "listening end" today, but did ask curiously about Okinawa.

Our phrase was this easy & useful one:

And our cake for this cold Tuesday contained tofu & chocolate, and NO oil or fat - extremely healthy!:

Well, that's it for today I suppose.....

Oh yes, next Tuesday Abigail will tell us some "Ghost Stories"!!
Looking forward to that, until then

The "Master"