Thank you for coming, "mini-crowd", Lindsey & Brittney! 
We talked about the weather - not only in Japan, but especially about the extreme flooding in Australia.....they MUST find a way to keep all that water for harder, draught times Down Under is usually associated with!  Also a lot of (nice, I think!) snow in Japan this year! Great news for lovers of the "white splendour", and skiing population! Our conversation for some reason drifted to the topic of car license plates, particularly in Japan and the UK. There, when a car is registered for the very first time, it is equipped with a license plate which stays with (or rather on the car) until it meets its' certain death, meaning of course until it's scrapped. It doesn't matter how often the car changes hands (=getting a new owner), or where in the country the car is on the road. 

Then we tried some brainteasing riddles:

After that, we tried something deliciously brown:

Towards the end (and waaaaay into added time!) we discussed, and tried to advise Lindsey on her problem with a NEW kerosene heater which decided to conk out after just one week! Reason (given by the salesperson): It happened because she had used old kerosene. Costs for repairing it would come up to about ¥5000...........unfortunately, the  selling price of the new appliance was a mere ¥7000....What would YOU do, community? 

Sleep over it & think about it with a fresh mind!

The "Master"