Hello, there - today, we had the "usual" Thursday crowd, minus a few. Was is too cold to move?
For some reason, Hannah, Isabelle, Monica, Briana & me talked about really heavy stuff today:
Politics (and all its' unfairness & corruption) !!
When trying to change our topics to something "lighter", somehow we couldn't manage, and ended up
discussing the way times are changing, and modern technology is making us more and more lazy, and 
maybe fatter (because of the fact we stop moving around, doing everything from home on our PC). Which again
brought us to the next subject: Obesity! 
Yes, we were extremely mature today!

Our phrase:

(This is a picture of Hannah!)

And our cake (to make us obese, too!):

This is a "Tea-Cake", using Earl Grey tea. Not to be mistaken with "early" grey, ha ha ha!

Check out the meaning of "Earl"

Thanks for coming, and don't freeze to death! 

The "Master"