Well, according to last night's weather report, all of Japan would be suffering from a heavy snowstorm today......can anybody feel anything even a little close to such circumstances? 

I'm in a little bit in a hurry today....this blog will be short! 
Today saw Monica, Brittney and Sabrina (my son's homeroom teacher's name!). I hoped Monica would bring in a picture today of her son's "coming-of-age-day" taken together with his "ghost roommate", but she was advised by her friends NOT to keep a "心霊写真" for long, and also NOT to show it around (making fun of the "ghost"), so she decided to delete it....what a pity!
Brittney apparently ate too much over the holidays & had gained some weight! So she thought something had to be done about that a came all the way from Higashi-Kakogawa by bicycle - it took her about 25 minutes! Good job, keep it up!
Sabrina told us a tasty story about fresh oysters bought in Akko. She prepared them later in foil in a saucepan (but DIDN'T invite any Cafe member to join......).

Gotta go - check out today's riddles. People who need to see the cake, check Thursday's blog!

(When trying to solve riddles, one shouldn't cheat by using a dictionary, Sabrina!)

Have a good weekend,

The "Master"