Today, we were surprised by a lady who used to come here over a year ago! Ok, actually, I wasn't, because she had called beforehand, so I knew she was going to pay us a visit in the near future. Her "stage name" (her first one, as last time she chatted here with us, the "stage name system" hadn't been implemented yet!), was Isabelle, from France! Bonjour!
She was joined by Jamie from Spain, Briana & Kiara from Ireland, and Brittney from England.

Today, I was trying hard to keep the topics relaxed and easy, but somehow once again we ended up discussing the corrupt politics of Japan and the world - how the public is manipulated and brainwashed, governments are trying to scare us by exaggerating the "problems" the world is facing, and how the Japanese people have stopped showing their discontent with the way things are done, in other words, not going into the streets with placards demonstrating. South Korea proved a while ago that things can actually be achieved and changed by demonstrating against the establishment. The last Japanese demo I can recall is when people were against the construction of Narita Airport (which, of course, was built anyway).

On the "lighter side" today we had a scary ghost story by Jamie, and a tiny little bit of MJ from Briana! I also tried to explain to the group that they should NEVER believe what they are told on TV!! Everything is decided beforehand!! Yes!!

We enjoyed another healthy sweet, "Tofu Choco Bavarian" (whatever......):


And did another idiom today, a very well known one, I suppose:

I understand there's a really good proverb in Japanese with the same meaning
I was told today, but already forgot!

Ok, this posting is getting waaaaay too long, I don't want people to think that I am
"暇人", so I will stop NOW!!

See you,

The "Master"