Ok, folks, I'm going to try to keep this one short (AND interesting, of course!).
On this very warm but rainy day, Crystal, Catherine, and Miranda joined me going down
memory lane - that is, we talked about the "good old days", and I started it! No ,NOT because
I'm getting old (which, of course, I am), but due to my job, where I meet a lot of young people,
students of mine, ranging from elementary school to university, and experiencing on a daily
basis how different they are from us at the same age....We talked about the usage of CG in the
movies, records (black vinyl, YES!!), CDs, mobile phones with all their functions (we never use)
and so on. 
Later, we also discussed things like the famous rumour that mankind probably has never set foot
on the moon, and that E.T. from about 20 years ago was actually quite cute. E.T. - yes, the one which
tried to "phone home"! Welcome to the party! 懐かしいでしょう? 

Ok, it's getting a bit long - let's round it up:
Today's idiom AND sweet, Orange Muffin (or cake, rather?):

So, if money REALLY talked, in my wallet, it would be scarily quiet! 
And Catherine, who has some experience living in the U.S. (where this idiom
example dialogue is probably set), says this doesn't really happen at car dealers.
She says one can accomplish a lot more with just a smile! How nice!

Thanks for coming, and see you soon!

The "Master"

And PeeeEs: Crystal & Miranda - I cannot copy the DVD on my computer. It doesn't even recognize it!! Too bad, sorry!