....and because it's officially payday in Japan today, we studied this one. And I mean, we really studied, since this one is a hard one:

(The dialogue under the picture reads: "I used to live payday to payday, now I live payday to three days till payday")

Our sweet treat today looked like this, and tasted like.........tasty cookies!:

So, this is how we enjoyed this Tuesday, while our "Ms. Tuesday" was hitting the slopes somewhere - lucky girl!

Emma, Abigail, Gracie, Calvin (!) and me talked about a woman who filled up with free drinking water at the supermarket (which, of course, is okay), using her own pet bottles brought from home, although you're supposed to use designated bottles purchased at the shop (which, of course, is NOT okay), Abigail's experience with this man filling up a big plastic bag with free ice at the supermarket AFTER jumping the queue, taking all the ice, so that there was none left for her, and Calvin, who went skiing by a very reasonable bus tour to Hachikita. Gracie told us  about a Takasago Forest fire last night, in the Amida area. That's kind of scary, as Amida is a familiar place probably to most of us.

About the water-lady and the ice-man: That's what happens when you kindly provide something for free - human nature makes some people abuse the system. Sad, but true!

Thank God (just a saying!) we're all GOOD people here!

See you,

The "Master"