4 faces showed up today: Brittney, Gracie, Laura, Jamie and the "Master". Wait, that makes 5, doesn't it?
Laura, Jamie and me got so excited about the football match on Tuesday between Japan and Korea that Gracie and Brittney started regretting a little bit that they had chosen "sleep" over "support Japan", in other words, having missed the game in favour of their bed/futon.

Gracie brought in a really strange story about a lonely piano sitting on top of a sandbank in the middle of the ocean. You might have heard about it on the Japanese news by now, but curious people can get some more details HERE.

Brittney told us about a small re-union she had attended in Himeji, mentioning the fact that as they are all getting older and older (her group approaching 60!), matters talked about are usually really serious like caring for the parents, or health related topics. So, not so much fun, really. I advised her to chat about the funny episodes like the time they got caught smoking, or the incident their parents locked them out of their own house for coming home past curfew time.........eh, both me?

Our study paper & today's cake:


Take care, as the winter has us in its' strong grip!

See you

The "Master"