Happy new year to the world! 

 Let's start this one with a little prayer:

"Praying" with me today were Kiara from Ireland, Jamie from Spain, and Crystal from some Latin place (actually, we weren't really concerned about names today). 
Everybody seemed to have enjoyed the "Oshogatsu"-days, some with, others without family (the "peaceful way").

Naturally, we discussed a little about new year's resolutions, where Jamie had the best one: Enjoy at least one thing every single day, and also do some kind of physical exercise daily, even really simple ones, like stretching for instance (Oh oh....).

Another hot topic was buying/renting a flat or a house, and the advantages and disadvantages, respectively. I personally don't believe in investing in a flat (apartment) as it feels like I would only be buying "air". Your ceiling is the above resident's floor, your floor again being the roof of the people living in the flat below you. Walls on most sides are shared, they are not yours, so to speak. 
We ended up talking about this after Kiara mentioned she wanted to buy a house, having just recently sold her property in Kyushu. To top it all off, she is planning to move back to Nagoya when she turns 70 (which is, of course, aaaaaaages away!) 

That's all! 
Let's have a great, fun year together!

The "Master"

P.S. No cake picture due to technical reasons!