The second Cafe for the day brought in Madison, Mikayla, Angela, and Cassandra, and we again talked about everyone's 
New Year's Holidays - pretty much "normal", everybody! Visiting family (or being visited BY family, the more exhausting option!), going to "hatsumode", hot springs etc....
Besides that, we talked about the fact that it seems that movies being showed at theatres are getting more and more 3D, so all the people in the audience have to wear funny glasses! Just imagine!! Connecting to that topic, we also discussed how the times are changing, things and customs, traditions slowly disappear.
And for some reason, we ended up talking about pets, mainly dogs. The different ways Japanese and "Western" people treat them, and "use" them!! As you can imagine, today's Cafe DIDN'T finish by three o'clock!!

Our very easy (but highly useful) phrase for the day:


And the second dessert for the "Tiger", Milk Yogurt Jelly:

I think we all had a great time!

Thanks for showing up!

The ""Master"