Already the second Cafe for the new year - watch out, this one will pass by in no time, like all the previous years did!
Before you know it, you'll be saying "あつ〜いな〜” Time flies, a fact we are all too aware of.......

The 8th of January was a busy day. Although our "Saturday country girl" was missing, I could still count 5 happy noses:
Katie, Amy, Elisabeth, Heather and Kelsey! Still being a little bit in "Oshogatsu-mode", I asked each one of the crowd how they had spent their holidays. With the exception of Katie, who is way too young to have grandchildren, all members had an exhausting, but enjoyable time with their "kids" & grandchildren. At Kelsey's place, including her, 13 people had gathered!
Elisabeth fell asleep waiting for her family to arrive from Saitama who got stuck in heavy traffic after a highway was closed due to heavy snow! Eventually, she was woken up by them at 4 o'clock in the morning, in the new year. They had left Saitama at 7pm in the year of the tiger! Amy said she had trouble sleeping - a "Joya-No-Kane" somewhere disturbed her beauty sleep! What are you doing, Amy? Nobody sleeps in the night of the new year!
Katie, our "young one", enjoyed a party with other "young ones", including some foreigners, so she was a little bit surprised when they (the foreigners) wore funny hats and costumes! This happens to be very normal in the West. Heather also spent time with her son's family, and her daughter's family "down under" apparently are fine, too, as their area is not affected by the terrible flooding the country is presently fighting with.

We worked with a funny, new-year-related short story:


And the cake looked deliciously like this:

Well, that's it! Happy long weekend (holiday again?)

The "Master"