Briana from Ireland (that's a region in Kasai!) visited the Cafe after quite a while, together with Catherine, Kiara, David, Cassandra, and Chelsea.As you can see, it was a busy Saturday afternoon.....David was really full after a heavy Udon lunch, but, after carefully "checking", I realized that nobody had touched their cakes until the very end of the Cafe, although it was really tasty looking like this:

As all of today's members came here for the first time in the new year, we mainly chatted about everybody's "Oshougatsu" - basically all "very normal", except that one lady's new year didn't start off too well: First she felt a little
dizziness, and in the new year, while she had 14 people in her house, her microwave let her down! Too bad!

Also, we tried to come to grips with the difference between "rent", "lend", "borrow", and "let" - all of them meaning 「借りる」or 「貸す」in Japanese, uhhh, difficult!!

In comparison, our phrase today was really easy:

Thanks for coming, and see you next week!

The "Master"