Every now and then, there are days when we have a little hard time getting things into gear, getting the discussion rolling,
so to speak. This Saturday was one of those days....however, we also made a "new record" - we could count four noses today, one more than last Thursday! Yes, it was Samantha, Alexandria, Ashley and Abigail who joined me on this beautiful Saturday afternoon (tomorrow's gonna rain!!). So, as I mentioned, we couldn't really get heated up on one subject. 
First, the nice ladies cheered me up for the loss of the German Football team against Spain, then we talked about "Paul", the famous German TV-Star Octopus, who (which?) predicted all matches correctly so far in this World Cup. So, if he (the たこ) is not mistaken, Germany will get the third place in this championship:

The Akashi people must be really envious that they didn't have the idea with the octopus - after all, it is beyond dispute that the たこ is the symbol of this city! 

We talked a little about Sunday's election (none of my business as I don't have the right to vote), and the ladies still seemed unsure who or which party to vote for.
I told the group about a fan's "encounter" with Ichiro of the Seattle Mariners, when he tried to catch a ball, and while doing that, almost landed in the lap of the young, female fan, who totally lost control of herself, getting so excited of having been touched by the arguably world's most talented baseball player. She screamed so wildly like in the B&W days of the Beatles' concerts! Was amazing!

And with today's paper I wanted to check if you get "western style" humour - I'm glad to be able to say that you did:

Now post the picture of the cake, and I'm out of here (getting hungry!).

Have a great Sunday - 

The "Master"